
March 2025

  • 12
    • I Feel Lucky: Yoga @ the Park 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM   -   Veterans Park: 6th Peoria

      This weeks theme: “I Feel Lucky”
      Incorporating the wisdom of
      Rhonda Byrne “ The Secret”
      Joe Dispenza “Becoming Supernatural”
      Carolyn Elliott “ Existential Kink”
      How can we create luck by simply feeling it?
      Find out on the mat.
      What: Great Yoga for All.
      also What: Coffee, great snacks, and connection.
      Where: Location is 6th Peoria. 
      BACK UP for weather- Be Love, just a short walk away. 
      The GPS says Centennial Park, but it is now named Veterans Park. Park across the street from Bramble. Southwest corner of 6th Peoria. Bring your mat and join us in the sun. If weather is not great we will host it at Be Love, Tulsa. 6th Peoria, just east of Bramble.
      Cost: $25 Payment Platforms in this link
      In comment bar " I feel Lucky"
      Cancellation policy: Please cancel by 9:00p.m. Tuesday night.
      We bring the vibes, the music, an altar, coffee, cups, food and yoga. You bring your Self.
      WEAR GREEN: (optional)

  • 13
    • Be Awesome Power Yoga 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM   -   Be Love Yoga Studio Tulsa, 1310 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

      Be Awesome is a powerful class. The name says it all. Be Awesome and get sweaty. Expect to hold strong postures and/or move at a quicker pace in order to build internal heat preparing you for a great stretch at the end with opportunities to play with peak poses, inversions and arm balances. All classes will end with a 5-10 minute savasana or final resting pose. Be Awesome is suitable for all levels.

      We encourage our students to meet themselves where they are at in the practice. Remember that this is a continuous practice and that it's OK if you have to take breaks or modify poses to work for you!  

      New to the studio? We have everything you need. Just show up! 

  • 20
    • Be Awesome Power Yoga 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM   -   Be Love Yoga Studio Tulsa, 1310 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

      Be Awesome is a powerful class. The name says it all. Be Awesome and get sweaty. Expect to hold strong postures and/or move at a quicker pace in order to build internal heat preparing you for a great stretch at the end with opportunities to play with peak poses, inversions and arm balances. All classes will end with a 5-10 minute savasana or final resting pose. Be Awesome is suitable for all levels.

      We encourage our students to meet themselves where they are at in the practice. Remember that this is a continuous practice and that it's OK if you have to take breaks or modify poses to work for you!  

      New to the studio? We have everything you need. Just show up! 

  • 27
    • Be Awesome Power Yoga 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM   -   Be Love Yoga Studio Tulsa, 1310 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

      Be Awesome is a powerful class. The name says it all. Be Awesome and get sweaty. Expect to hold strong postures and/or move at a quicker pace in order to build internal heat preparing you for a great stretch at the end with opportunities to play with peak poses, inversions and arm balances. All classes will end with a 5-10 minute savasana or final resting pose. Be Awesome is suitable for all levels.

      We encourage our students to meet themselves where they are at in the practice. Remember that this is a continuous practice and that it's OK if you have to take breaks or modify poses to work for you!  

      New to the studio? We have everything you need. Just show up! 

Events & Retreats

  • TOOL Yoga @ Engine Room
    Mar  14
    TOOL Yoga @ Engine Room
    Mar  14 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    The Engine Room, 316 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

    The TOOL Yoga Experience: Change is coming in the Shadow. Join Nicole for another chance to witness the beauty and bathe in the fountain with yoga. Get ready to ride the spiral ’til the end. We will dig and pick and crawl into our shadow for a clue. Expect loud TOOL frequencies, all level yoga (even “newbies” are welcome), trippy lights and effects. Forty six and two are just ahead of you. Enroll. $20 Bring a mat, water and your soul.

  • Acoustic Yoga w/ Raven & Austin
    Mar  29
    Acoustic Yoga w/ Raven & Austin
    Mar  29 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
    The Engine Room, 316 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

    Be serenaded by Austin Lindsey. 
    Enjoy all levels yoga with Raven Nicole.
    Coffee and a bite after class.
    We have an awesome yoga space inside and outside! Weather permitting we will be on the outdoor patio.
    All you need is a yoga mat, water, coffee cup and an open heart -- and ears.... LIVE MUSIC!

    $20 Pre-register, or $25 at the door. 

    Doors open at 8:30a.m.

  • Blossom Women's Retreat
    Apr  4 - 6
  • TOOL Yoga & Breathwork Be Love
    Apr  18
    TOOL Yoga & Breathwork Be Love
    Apr  18
    Be Love Yoga Studio Tulsa, 1310 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA

    The TOOL Yoga & Breathwork Experience: Change is coming in the Shadow. Join Nicole for another chance to witness the beauty and bathe in the fountain with yoga and breathwork. Get ready to ride the spiral ’til the end. We will dig and pick and crawl into our shadow for a clue. Expect loud TOOL frequencies, all level yoga and breathwork (even “newbies” are welcome), trippy lights and effects. Forty six and two are just ahead of you.
    TOOL. $25

  • All Rise- Easter Yoga
    Apr  20
    All Rise- Easter Yoga
    Apr  20 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
    veterans park

    All Rise Yoga Service:  Love is the mission of this offering. Join us in a playful, devotional yoga flow. Expect to hear spiritual yoga tunes and Gospel music. Get ready to move with inspiration, devotion and passion. This will be a spiritual (IN-Spired), all-levels class, all styles, all ages. This is non-denominational, all beliefs are welcome (or absence of any belief). We only accept everyone, so come one, come all. Also, just for fun, we invite you to wear white-ish yoga wear or  dress-up over your yoga clothes, etc. Drop-In $20 or pre-resister!
    All are welcome. Tons of space at the park.
    Address E. 6th Peoria. (Southwest corner of 6th Peoria, across from Bramble. Park in lot. Bring a yoga mat, towel, water, etc. We will be either down by the fountain or up on the hill looking down on the stream. 
    Bring a blanket for warmth if it cool out. 
    If it is raining, we will have a Rain Option. Stay tuned.

  • Big Cedar Wellness Retreat
    May  1 - 3
  • BLOOM Women's Retreat
    May  30 - Jun 1
  • LOVE, SHINE, PLAY Asheville
    Jul  24 - 27
  • Raven Yoga Freedom Retreat
    Aug  30 - Sep 1
    Raven Yoga Freedom Retreat
    Aug  30 - Sep 1
    The Canebrake, 33241 E 732nd Rd, Wagoner, OK 74467, USA

    Raven Retreats are life-changing experiences. Raven Nicole has been leading powerful, transformative yoga for over 20 years. This is no ordinary retreat. Come alone or bring a friend and we will take care of the rest.

    Includes cozy, quiet lodging, chef curated dining, welcome refreshments, World Class Yoga with Nicole Peltier, water soundbaths in and by the pool, morning pondside meditations, cacao ceremonies, unlimited access to the infrared sauna, hot tub and beautiful pool and more.

    Spa Treatments, Ear Accupucture, Private Soundbath Sessions, Tarot Readings-All Available by Appointment.

    Enjoy a wellbriety weekend. This is a sober retreat.


    The Canebrake is a one-stop vacation or event destination that includes a premier hotel, restaurant, boutique shop, yoga studio , and a luxury spa that is perched on 300 acres of rolling hills with lake views just outside of Wagoner Oklahoma on Fort Gibson Lake.